Friday, March 21, 2008

It's here!

Broken that is.

Society has tended to sideline Easter a bit. Christmas has become the most celebrated 'Christian' holiday on the planet, and everyone gears up each year for this celebration - buying presents, remembering the birth of Christ, plays and productions, and for the irregular church-goer, going to church!

Then Santa Claus and the Easter bunny was brought in pushing the message of Christ even further into the back of society's psyche. Children nowadays remember Easter for the chocolate eggs, parties and games that they experience. We don't even get an Easter or Good Friday holiday in Malysia unless we live in Sabah and Sarawak.

But Easter recognises the most colourful, powerful and significant days of Jesus. Even more than His birth, Easter personifies His very purpose and existence on earth.

Easter remembers the most difficult decision a person has ever had in history, during the atonement in Gethsemane. A decision that was said to be so wrenching that blood came out of sweat pores while Jesus prayed and the disciples slept (while on guard).

Easter remembers the profound pain and anguish of the betrayal which led to the capture of Jesus...and the despair of when he hung on the cross. The immense doubt and sorrow that came after the Saviour was killed. A blotting out of hope.

And finally, Easter remember the glorious resurrection for the atonement of the human race. The complete redemption through the blood that was shed on the cross. The resurrection power that gives us an avenue to reach God - the only way to reach God in fact.

The unpayable price was paid by a perfect, sinless sacrifice.

Matchless grace.

More than realising that it is Easter weekend. More than getting excited about a play. More than remembering that Jesus died, was buried and rose again. Open your heart to understand the amazing grace and love that made God humble himself to the extent of coming down in human form to be betrayed and killed by His creation so that we may have a chance to be saved.

It has already been done.

Come to the play and bring your friends. Don't invite them to watch the play (although that's what you will be doing verbally). In your spirit, invite them to meet with their Creator who loves them beyond anything a human mind could comprehend.

Let Jesus take centre stage.