Monday, August 4, 2008


Wow, it's been awhile since I updated on this blog!

Not much has happened since then.


Low Money has left to Australia.

Cell conference has just finished.

And we've multiplied!

It's been an awesome three years going through the ups and downs of this cell group. It's been incredible seeing all the friendships develop, the fights, the compassion, and the times we stood together and encouraged one another.

God's grace has been apparent throughout. God's grace has left an imprint on the cell group and upon each member's life. And even as we multiplied last weekend, God's grace and purpose was revealed once again.

For many years, our church has been fluctuating with 90-something cells. We kept trying but could not hit the 100 target that we had. Cells kept combining, phasing out, beginning anew and it maintained at that level. Last weekend, 2 cells multiplied - one from Youth and ours from Young Adults to hit 100 cells.

It's been a long road but it became clear that our cell have so many leaders that need an environment to release their capability in Him and to depend on Him more. With too many leaders in one cell, it was easy to take a step back and allow others to step up.

I'm thankful and grateful that all the core members stood alongside and agreed in unity that it was time to challenge our cell to the next level, and accepted the responsibility to take ownership of helping our cell to achieve the purpose laid out for it.

Only by His amazing grace, we've come this far.

Only by His amazing grace, we can go forward from here.